Your Program, Week to Week & Day to Day

Your Program, Week to Week & Day to Day


Change is never easy, it requires commitment and dedication. And your commitment is essential to achieve your goals during this Challenge. Every day, during the 90 days of the Challenge, you have a rendez-vous with yourself. Don’t miss it! Choose the most appropriate place and time, take your handprints with you and devote yourself fully to the Challenge. Do not let anything or anyone rob you of this precious rendez-vous with yourself.


Take the time to assimilate the material. Feel free to read the lessons several times to make sure you cover all the concepts presented in the Challenge. The depth of your commitment will determine the magnitude of the changes you will witness in your hands and in your life. Yes, the work is demanding, but the dividends are extraordinary. The more you put into the program, the greater your chances to successfully achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Your Weekly Program.pdf
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