Finding Love and Happiness


Energize your heart + Ignite your passion + Rejuvenate your relationships

12 Weekly Lessons

Weekly lessons designed to open and strengthen your heart

Detailed Video Tutorials

Comprehensive videos 100% focused on drawing love into your life

Proven Success

Dozens of client handprints and case studies illustrating success stories

You're sick and tired of...

Being lonely?

Feeling sad and heavy-hearted?

Being frustrated in love?

Carrying emotional baggage that makes it hard to find love and enjoy life?

Not being able to express your true thoughts and feelings?

Feeling trapped in a joyless relationship?

Not being able to love or forgive yourself?

You would like ...

More Loving Relationships?

Bring more love, happiness and harmony to all your relationships.

A Better Life?

Live a life filled with meaning, kindness and unconditional love.

Inner Joy?

Experience a constant sense of joy in your daily life.

Your Happiness is in Your Hands.

Hundreds of people have already transformed their lives through our
90-Day Heart Line Challenge.
You can too—and you’ll see the results immediately!
Within weeks you will be experiencing more love and happiness
in your life, which you can verify by taking your handprints
at the beginning and end of the program
with the supplied handprint kit.

Tap into the Power of Your Heart Line and Revolutionize Your Life in 90 Days

The human heart is the greatest source of power in the universe. Not merely because this biological pump beating in the center of our chest keeps us alive, but because it is also the spiritual heart radiating at the center of our being—the one that fills our lives with meaning, purpose, beauty, grace, compassion and, above all else, love.

When our heart fully opens, our life changes forever. We are sharing our authentic self and our true feelings with the world. Uniting, motivating and inspiring others becomes a natural expression of our innate energy. We give and receive love purely, without expectation or conditions. And the more we express our love to others, the more love we attract into our lives.

A properly developed heart line directly connects us to the full and awesome power of our heart; The Heart Line Challenge teaches you how to make that connection a permanent part of your life.

Benefit from the Wisdom of Vedic Palmistry

The Vedic sages of ancient India were well aware of the transformative power of the heart. They also knew that the heart line is the primary channel through which the life-affirming energy of universal love flows into every fiber of our being. Hence, our heart line reflects our capacity to love as well as the quantity and quality of the love we are giving and receiving.

Accessing the wisdom of Vedic palmistry lets you develop a stronger heart line in just 90 days. This ancient knowledge teaches you how to harness the power of the heart, align the energies of body, mind and soul, and become a true force of love in the world.

The Heart Line Challenge synthesizes 50 years of devoted research and the daily practice of the Vedic sciences. So, you don’t need to be a Vedic scholar to benefit from the wisdom of Vedic palmistry!

Did you know that ...

The human brain is plastic, which means it’s not hardwired and we can reprogram the way we think?

Neuroscientists have proven it takes only 90 days to change the way our brain functions? Therefore, it takes 90 days to change how we view the world and how we feel about ourselves.

The lines in our hands change when we make a conscious and consistent effort to change our thoughts and attitudes?

You can fully energize your heart line and begin experiencing more love in your life in just 90 days?

See for Yourself: Witness the Change

You don’t have to take our word that The Heart Line Challenge will transform your life—we want you to see it with your own eyes. That’s why we provide all participants who request it with a Do-It-Yourself Handprint Kit—so they can personally witness the changes occurring in their hands and monitor the increasing amount of love in their life.

Simply take your “Before” handprints” on Day One of The Challenge and then your “After” handprints as soon as you complete your final lesson on Day 90. When you compare your Before and After handprints, we guarantee you will be amazed both by the physical improvements in your hands and the corresponding amount of love and happiness in your life.

Before and After: The Story of Roger

Roger was an avowed womanizer who led a carefree lifestyle. Although he had plenty of romances, he felt empty inside. When he met someone that he was head-over-heels about and who seemed to be perfect for him, he didn’t know if he had it in him to commit to a long-term relationship.

However, after starting our Challenge program and working on his heart line, Roger quickly discovered that committing to a relationship meant he first had to develop a more honest and authentic relationship with himself. Pledging to become a better version of himself, Roger followed each step of the program. In a few short months, he developed a more profound view of life, was able to open his heart and to fearlessly give and receive love. In fact, Roger is now married, operates a successful business with his wife and is the proud father of two beautiful kids.

We see this radical transformation in Roger’s “after” handprint. Notice the numerous physical improvements in his palm, including the appearance of a Mercury line that allows him to express his love freely, as well as a Union line, which shows that Roger has made a commitment to being in a relationship. Thanks to The Challenge, Roger found both love and contentment of heart.

Hi, I’m Guylaine Vallée

Welcome to The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge, a program specifically designed to expand your heart and fill your life with love.

My name is Guylaine Vallée, your host and personal coach throughout this incredible adventure that will transform the way you live and the way you love in just 90 days.

The human heart is the most powerful force in the universe—it has inspired the greatest works of art and literature ever produced by humankind; it is capable of starting and ending wars; and it has the ability to elevate even the most miserable and downhearted among us to a life of comfort and joy.

The insights, exercises and practical knowledge found within this Challenge will connect you to your heart and open a floodgate of love that will infuse your ...

Click here to read more.


The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge


The most comprehensive online program dedicated to finding, giving and receiving love.

- Based on the wisdom of Vedic philosophy and palmistry but with no prior knowledge required

- Explained in clear and simple language

- Filled with concepts and techniques you can apply immediately.


Hours of Video

Your coach, Guylaine Vallée, will guide you on each and every step of your journey with professionally produced video sessions that highlight key lessons and explain every aspect of your heart line.


Exclusive Content

Nowhere else will you find a program like this one. It is the culmination of the wisdom and knowledge of founder Ghanshyam Singh Birla, a Vedic scholar and renowned Vedic palmist who emigrated from his native India five decades ago.


Page Online Lessons

Receive the equivalent of 200 pages of material, combining theory and practice, dozens of real-life success stories, yogic breathing and meditation techniques to ignite your heart chakra, exercises and uplifting affirmations.

Here's What You'll Learn When You Enroll in this Transformational Program

In Week One, you'll learn...

The Open Heart—The Open Hand: This week begins with an exploration of the scientific and philosophic viewpoints on the nature of love. Love is not just a feeling but an actual form of energy that is encapsulated in the universe’s greatest source of power—the human heart. We will see how to tap into this energy source and transform our lives.

In Week Two, you'll learn...

Seeking Balance in Body, Mind and Heart: This week we discuss the basic principles of Vedic philosophy and Vedic palmistry. We also look at how the most important features of the hand interact with one another, and the need for balance in our palm and in our life.

In Week Three, you'll learn...

The Heart-Mind Connection—Seeking Coherence: This week we discuss the importance of a healthy heart-mind communication. Heart-mind coherence is critical in growing the heart line. It is extremely difficult to develop a loving heart, or loving relationships, if our thoughts and feelings are out of sync.

In Week Four, you'll learn...

Two Hands Are Better Than One: This week we discuss the differences between our two hands and what the heart line tells us about ourselves depending on whether we are right- or left-handed.

In Week Five, you'll learn...

The Five States of The Human Heart—Letting Our Love Evolve: This week we examine the five distinct states the heart can evolve through and express itself through—from the state of the dark heart to the pure state of heart.

In Week Six, you'll learn...

Journey of The Heart: This week we examine the ways in which the heart line is supported and influenced during its journey across the hand by various mounts, elements and chakras.

In Week Seven, you'll learn...

Befriending Our Jupiter: This week we explore the importance of the Mount of Jupiter, the heart line’s ideal place of origin, examining how Jupiter’s life-sustaining water element nurtures and expands our consciousness and ability to love unconditionally.

In Week Eight, you'll learn...

The Power of Saturn—Fire, Forgiveness and Transformation: This week we focus on the challenges the heart line encounters in the transformative fire element of the Saturn mount, how we choose to deal with those challenges and their effects on the depth of our commitment, compassion and love.

In Week Nine, you'll learn...

The Power of the Sun—True Love and the True You: This week we examine how to develop the amazing energy of the Sun mount and use its element of air to fully engage our heart chakra and express our true, genuine selves—critical aspects in opening our heart center and drawing love into our life.

In Week Ten, you'll learn...

The Magnetic Sun—Attracting Your Heart’s Desire: This week we remain on the Mount of Sun to explore ways of developing our power of personal magnetism and using it to attract love and positive circumstances into our life.

In Week Eleven, you'll learn...

Mercury—Contentment, Enlightenment and The Freedom of Expression: This week we visit the Mercury mount, where we discover to consistently express our love and joy. Mercury teaches us to communicate what is in our heart through the ether element, associated with our throat chakra. We will also see how to develop our intuition so we can attune to the hearts of others and access the wisdom of the Cosmos.

In Week Twelve, you'll learn...

The Beauty of The Changing Heart: This week, the final week of The Challenge, we examine all the positive changes that might have occurred over the last 90 days in our heart line, in our lives and in the way we love. We will look toward the future and the wonderful changes that are to come as we continue to develop our heart line and our expression of love.

Hear From Our Satisfied Participants

“I just completed The Heart Line Challenge and wow… what a change in my life! I feel that now I guide my life with my heart and not my head! The Challenge has given me the tools to continue improving myself. Bravo to Birla Vedic International!”

Julie S., Quebec

“I love The Heart Line Challenge! It has made me feel better about myself, I feel more confident. I am no longer so affected by what people think about me, and overall, my relationships are much better.”

Fabienne P., France

“This Challenge is really making a difference in my everyday life. Thanks to Guylaine and all those at Birla Vedic International who have made this wonderful program possible.
I cannot believe the wealth of information that is packed into every week. I love all the videos, readings and exercises.”

Paula T., United States

Frequently Asked Questions

The program starts when you are ready! It is a completely self-paced online program - you decide when you start and when you finish.

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own - as long as we maintain this website.

We would never want you to be disappointed and so far no one was! Please contact us with questions prior to purchase.

Yes! Private coaching is available through our mentoring program, which many Challenge participants have found incredibly helpful. Please contact us for more informations.

Who Can Benefit From This Program?

Anyone who feels love has passed them by.

Those with low self-esteem who find it hard to love themselves

Those trying to overcome heartache and loss

Anyone who finds it difficult to relate or reach out to others.

Anyone who wish to overcome shyness.

Those who feel trapped in a loveless relationship.

Those with emotional or intimacy issues.

Those struggling with a mid-life crisis.

Those who feel lost and lonely.

And Also...

Those who want more passion in their lives.

Anyone who wants to share their feelings honestly and without fear.

Anyone of any age who wants to give and receive love more fully and freely.

Those who are trying to bring passion and purpose into their work and career.

Those who are looking for a romantic partner.

Those who want to live a more spiritual life.

Anyone who wants to love and be loved unconditionally.

Spouses seeking to rekindle their relationship.

Parents wanting to relate better with their children.

Artists seeking for inspiration.

What Are You Waiting For?

Choose Happiness. Now!


A Profound Inner Joy

Say farewell to that feeling of emptiness and experience the inner joy you have been longing for.


A Whole New Outlook on Life

Align your thoughts and attitude with your aspirations thanks to the lessons, videos and daily exercises.


More Fulfilling Relationships

Experience more harmony and satisfaction in your relationships.

Make the best decision of your life.

Choose a Pricing Option

* All prices are in Canadian dollars

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